Original Donkey Kong Arcade Game Rental

Original Donkey Kong Arcade Game Rental
Product Details

Features of Donkey Kong Game | Classic Arcade Game Rental

  • Our Donkey Kong Game Arcade Rental is in its original upright cabinet.  The Donkey Kong Game cabinet has been refurbished and restored to its original form from the 1980's
  • The exterior graphics have been painstakingly reproduced on the Donkey Kong original cabinet so it  is the perfect choice for those events that want 80's classic arcade game rentals. 
  • Just like all original classic arcade game rentals from the 1980's, 1-2 guests can participate by alternating their game play.  
  • The Donkey Kong upright cabinet does allow for branding and customization on the sides for those considering it as a trade show booth game.  Please contact one of our branding event specialists at 800 WOW-1196 for further details
WOW Entertainment
115 River Road, Building B, Unit 201
Flemington, NJ 08822
Phone: 800-WOW-1196 or 732-846-8300
Fax: 732-846-8326
Email: [email protected]