Real Puncher

Real Puncher
Product Details
This item has been creating amazement ever since we brought it to its' first event and will surely WOW guests at any event. Guests have the option of selecting from three different modes. The most popular mode is the two player mode where each guest has his or her face photographed & captured within the machine. After each photograph, each guest then puts on the punching glove of their choice. Then the battle begins where each guest is allowed three punches in alternating fashion. When the first guest is ready to punch, the face of the other guest appears on the monitor. The pad within REAL PUNCHER elevates and then the guest punches the pad. After each punch, the guest receives a score while the other guest's face is deformed & displayed on the screen for everyone to see. After both guests have completed their three punches, the player with the highest score is declared the winner as REAL PUNCHER displays both guests' faces to be seen. REAL PUNCHER is a real hit for any event.
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Flemington, NJ 08822
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