Ring and Hook Game Rental | Ring Hook Game

Ring and Hook Game Rental | Ring Hook Game
Product Details

Features of Ring and Hook Game Rental | Ring Hook Game

  • We have created a stand up version of  The Ring Hook Game which allows participants to test their skill and patience in this extremely addictive and competitive rental item.
  • The standard rules of play for the Ring and Hook Game Rental is each participant receives 5 attempts for each turn of play.  The 1st participant to reach 5 "ringers" is determined the winner.
  • Now that we have stated what the rules are for the Ring Hook Game, here is our story on why the Ring and Hook  game rental became a part of WOW Entertainment.  We had one specific client who had contacted us for several large items that are quite visual at an acclaimed hotel.  However, they would not confirm their order unless we created a branded Ring Master game for them.  Quite frankly, we had absolutely no idea of what our client was talking about.  We did our research and discovered several varieties of Ring Master but finally came across the tavern version of the Ring Hook Game.  Once that was determined, we now had to create the Ring Hook Game into an upright and stable version as a Ring and Hook Game Rental.  We were successful in accomplishing that part.   However, we were still weary of how successful this item would be at a corporate event and especially at a corporate event with over 400 guests, that was going to be held in a large ballroom  and with so many other well known and popular items.  Well, we were wrong!  The Ring and Hook Game rental was the hit of the night and the lines were 20 deep to play.  Sometimes you just never know
WOW Entertainment
115 River Road, Building B, Unit 201
Flemington, NJ 08822
Phone: 800-WOW-1196 or 732-846-8300
Fax: 732-846-8326
Email: [email protected]